| On delivery of your kit, open it and inspect it. There is a parts list to help speed the process. 
This is what the kit looks like except for the flat rectangular bumper brackets. The Ranger kit gets brackets shaped like a "U" with studs on it. What you'll need: -The kit! -Shift extension #3700 if you have a manual. -3x3" or 4x4" blocks at least 12" long depending on the jack used -Jack -Jack stands -A good 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 inch socket set w/ breaker bar and extensions. You could pass on the 1/2 inch set, it's just beafier. -13/16" deep and standard sockets(for bumper bolts and kit bolts) -Sawsall -Razor knife -Propane torch -Vice grips(large) -Sheet metal cutters -Bottle of ThreadLock(small tub is included w/kit) -Drill(3/8's or 1/2") -Sharp drill bits 3/16 to 1/2" -Mechanic's gloves(believe me, it makes the install so much more comfortable) -Tape measure -Patience -Patience OPTIONAL: -Beer of your choice -Heater -Welder -Air Impact tools Read the intructions thoroughly before you start! This helps you anticipate problems for future steps. | 